Do you offer half year or monthly classes only? - Not at this time, all groups are full season commitment. Please see terms under registration for information on refunds for withdraw.
Do you have to attend every practice? - It's highly encouraged. Missing practice is highly discouraged. Every group begins learning their dances at the start of each dance season and every dance is designed around the entire group. Choreography is based on all dancers working together towards an end result to perform at competitions, events, festivals and misc performances throughout the season.
Do you have to attend every competition, event and/or festival? - It's highly encouraged that all dancers attend every event. When a dancer is missing the choreography can be thrown off and potentially cost a group higher scoring and/or special awards.
Are all groups considered competitive? - Yes, all our groups (excluding our beginners) compete in local and out of town competitions. They also perform at local and out of town events and festivals and our own Malanka and Year End Concert.
Do all dancers have to wear make-up, even boys? - Yes. For any and all dances taking place on stage, in public, we require all dancers to wear make-up, even our boys and men. Makeup requirements vary depending on age. Our youngest dancers are only required to wear blush, black eyeliner that begins at the end of the eyelid and goes up in a wing and white eyeliner that trails along the top of the black. Please see makeup information page for more instruction. Makeup is not required for practice, unless otherwise requested by the instructors for dress rehearsal.
Why do dancers need to wear makeup on stage? - Makeup is essential on stage to keep faces from being drowned out by the lights. It allows judges and audiences to see the dancers, to see their smiles and their eye contact.
What about hair? - All dancers are required to wear their hair up and out of their line of sight during practice, Ballet Buns are encouraged for females. During competitions, events and festivals, female dancers are to wear side French braids with the ends tucked and tied up neatly in the back. Male dancers are required to have their hair held back neatly and kept from impeding their line of sight. Please see makeup for more information.
What if I've never done makeup or hair? - Not to worry we are always here to help. Some of our dance families have been doing this a very long time and are here to lend a hand. Each group will be assigned a costume parent, these are usually parents that feel comfortable helping in all areas, including costume and makeup needs.
Are there extra fees throughout the season? - Yes. These fees are mainly our costume rentals. Please see costume section for more information. Other fees could include any volunteer and fundraising fees that are not completed.
Any Added expenses on top of tuition and costume rental? - The club does not rent nor provide any of the following: practice attire, dance shoes, undergarments, hosiery, makeup or hair products. Please Do NOT run out to buy makeup or under garments until the list of items are sent out by the Costume Director. We require dancers to match not only in costume, but makeup as well for a unified and polished look.
Do I have to buy items at a certain store? - No. We don't require you shop at any certain store; this helps keep costs at your comfort level. The only time we may request certain items be purchased at a specific retailer, is if they must match, i.e....undergarments etc.
Are volunteering and fundraising requirements per dancer or family? - These requirements are per family, not per dancer.
What happens if I do not fulfill the volunteer and fundraising commitments? - Failure to meet the required volunteering and fundraising commitments will result in your credit card on file being automatically charged the remaining deposit amount, or full amount if no monies are collected. Please see waivers under registration for information on fees. You are also welcomed to opt out of any or all requirements by simply paying the deposits outright.
What if my child decides they don't want to dance, do I get my money back? - Yes and No. A dancer must fully withdraw from dance by December 1st of the current dance season to receive a full refund of all monies paid at that time. No refunds will be given if withdraw occurs after December 1st. To fully withdraw you are required to email secretary@pudsociety.ca or submit a written withdraw letter to the Executive on or before December 1st.